Fourth Generation, Ltd.
A Texas Limited Partnership
Serving Austin professionals since 1983
1411 West Avenue, Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 476-8371
Fax (512) 474-5594

For more than 30 years, the business community situated at 1411 West Avenue has been comprised of client service oriented attorneys, CPAs, insurance and financial professionals. The contemporary commercial environment is specifically designed to enhance the natural synergy of a well-balanced professional community.

    < 1411 West Avenue is managed on site and each floor maintains a common reception area, two conference rooms and a kitchen.

    < Each office is provided with high speed Internet access. Wireless internet is available for use by guests.

    < The full complement of digital equipment for telecommunications, voicemail, fax, scan and copy needs round out the progressive office sharing environment.

    < Live receptionists on site answer landlines with the firm name of each tenant and voicemail with email forward is included at no charge. Tenants subscribe and control their own phone lines, phone numbers and carrier.

    < Conference rooms are available with media player, TV and projection equipment to facilitate your conferences, depositions and meetings.

    < 24 hour access is permitted by way of an electronic security system.

    < There is typically no additional charge for after-hours HVAC or conference room use.

    < Janitorial service is provided five times weekly.

    The rate quoted includes all the amenities and services listed at the bottom of the rate page. There are no hidden costs or surprise pass through of operating costs. For comparative purposes, the triple net rent component of our rate is approximately $15.56 per annum.